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Basic Example

Here's a simple example of how to use pypdown:

from pypdown import run_step
from pypdown.models import Step
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pathlib import Path

class StepParams(BaseModel):
    input_file: Path = "input.txt"
    output_file: Path = "output.txt"
    final_file: Path = "final.txt"

def process_input(input_file: Path, output_file: Path, config: StepParams):
    """Process input file and create output file."""

def finalize_output(output_file: Path, final_file: Path, config: StepParams):
    """Process output file and create final file."""
    final_file.write_text(f"Processed: {output_file.read_text()}")

config = StepParams()

# Define your pipeline tasks by reference to config field names
task_refs = [
        "src": ["input_file"],
        "dst": ["output_file"],
        "fn": process_input,
        "src": ["output_file"],
        "dst": ["final_file"],
        "fn": finalize_output,

# Create a Step
step = Step(name="Example Pipeline Step", task_refs=task_refs, config=config)

# Run the step

This will create a pipeline that reads from input.txt, processes it to create output.txt, and then processes output.txt to create final.txt.

Defining Tasks

Tasks have three components:

  • src: Input file paths
  • dst: Output file paths
  • fn: A callback function that performs the task

Rather than supplying the paths themselves in src and dst, pass the config Pydantic model's field names.

Callback Functions

Callback functions should take the input and output file paths as keyword arguments, along with a config parameter for the Pydantic model that all the parameters are set from.

Running Steps

Use the run_step function to execute a pipeline step. This function will check for the existence of input files and the non-existence of output files before running each task.

For full implementation details, please refer to the API Reference.